Due January 1st of each year. Property taxes are collected on all real property in Forrest County as well as Business Personal Property. The property is appraised by the Tax Assessor and compiled for the Tax Rolls. Once the Tax Rolls are turned over to the Board of Supervisors, the public is given a chance to review the assessments and file protests on any assessment considered unfair or incorrect. After the protest period, the Tax Rolls are approved by the Board of Supervisors and the Mississippi State Tax Commission. After the Rolls are completed the Tax Collector applies the applicable assessment ratio and calculates the taxes based on the tax levy set by the Board of Supervisors and/or the governing board of the City of Hattiesburg and the City of Petal.
After the Tax Collector receives the Tax Rolls and the taxes are calculated, statements are mailed either to the mortgage companies or to individual taxpayers on the mailing list. If a taxpayer wishes to be added to the mailing list the taxpayer should call (601) 582-8228 or write to: PO. Box 1689, Hattiesburg, MS 39403.
Taxpayers should notify the Tax Collector of all changes in address or mortgage status.