Forrest County
Purchasing Department
Purchasing Department
The Forrest County Purchasing Department manages a centralized purchasing system to acquire equipment, supplies, and services for all county departments in compliance with state laws and policies, ensuring fair competition among vendors through contract bids and open market procurement.
Rochelle Campbell
(601) 545-6078

Purchase Clerk Responsibilities
The Forrest County Purchasing Department is responsible for the establishment and administration of a centralized purchasing system that assists all Forrest County departments in the acquisition of all equipment, heavy equipment, machinery, supplies, commodities, materials, and services used in conformance with “State Purchasing Laws” and the Board of Supervisors’ policies. It is the policy of Forrest County Purchasing Department to provide all vendors a fair, equitable, and competitive opportunity to sell equipment, heavy equipment, machinery, supplies, commodities, materials, and services to Forrest County. This department maintains a file of negotiated term contract bids. These contracts are for equipment and supplies not available from State negotiated contracts. Requirements not covered by MS State contracts are procured from the open market through competitive quotes or the formal bid process. Any business that is interested in obtaining a bid packet must submit a request to the office of the Purchase Clerk. Those wanting to be placed on the County Vendor List must submit a completed W-9 form and send it to the Purchase Clerk using the contact information below:
- Phone: (601) 545-6078 or (601) 545-6012
- Email: or